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Thursday, 9 April 2020

[Answer] "Any day now" crossword clue

  • "Any day now"Any Day Now is an American drama series that aired on the Lifetime network from 1998 to 2002. The show stars Annie Potts and Lorraine Toussaint, who are best friends despite the difference in their races. The show's title is taken from the 1962 Chuck Jackson song "Any Day Now". A version performed by Lori Perry served as the show's theme song.Any Day Now is an American drama series that aired on the Lifetime network from 1998 to 2002. The show stars Annie Potts and Lorraine Toussaint, who are best friends despite the difference in their races. The show's title is taken from the 1962 Chuck Jackson song "Any Day Now". A version performed by Lori Perry served as the show's theme song.Any Day Now focuses on the lives and interactions of two female protagonists: Mary Elizabeth "M.E." O'Brien Sims (Potts) and Rene Jackson (Toussaint). The two had grown up as close friends in , in the 1960s during the peak of the Any Day Now focuses on the lives and interactions of two female protagonists: Mary Elizabeth "M.E." O'Brien Sims (Potts) and Rene Jackson (Toussaint). The two had grown up as close friends in , in the 1960s during the peak of the . However, their friendship ended when M.E. became pregnant and chose, despite Rene's disapproval, to keep the child, drop out of college, and marry her boyfriend, Colliar Sims.More than twenty years later, M.E. and her husband still live in Birmingham, where they struggle to make ends meet. Their oldest son, Bobby, died as a child; but they have two more children, daughter Kelly and son Davis. Rene moved to , where she was a successful attorney for many years; but, after the death of her father, Rene decides to move back to Birmingham and establish a law practice there. She reunites with M.E., and the two quickly resume their close friendship. In every episode, contemporary storylines are interwoven with a storyline from their shared past.Any Day Now is a 2012 American drama film directed by Travis Fine who rewrote the original screenplay that George Arthur Bloom had written 30 years previously.The Any Now EP, by Elbow "Any

Answer: SOON

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