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Friday, 10 April 2020

[Answer] Tree that’s one of Athena’s symbols crossword clue

  • Tree that’s one of Athena’s symbols In the founding myth of Athens, bested Poseidon in a competition over patronage of the city by creating the first olive . She's known as Parthenos " the Virgin," but in archaic Attic myth, the god Hephaestus tried and failed to rape her, resulting in Gaia giving birth to Erichthonius, an important Athenian founding hero.Although the story of the That Owns Itself is more legend than history, the has become (along with the and the ) of the most recognized and well-loved . It is routinely featured in …The of the world is also common in , an ancient religion of Mongols and Turkic peoples . The world is visible in the designs of the Crown of Silla, Silla being of the Three Kingdoms of Korea. This link is used to establish a connection between Siberian peoples and those of Korea .In Greek mythology, a () traditionally represents or accompanies Athena, the , or

Answer: OLIVE

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