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Sunday, 15 August 2021

[Solution] 7 Little Words Crossword Answers Today Sun Aug 15 2021

It was the launch of 7 Little Words in May 2011, though, that has fuelled the company Blue Ox’s meteoric growth. The game had over 1 million downloads in its first month; was recognized in O, The Oprah Magazine; reached #2 on the U.S. iTunes game app charts; and has continued to find new fans, with more than 6 million downloads in the first year and a half. In addition to iOS, 7 Little Words is now available for Android (both on Google Play and Amazon app stores). 7 Little Words also has a French version, and Spanish puzzles are now available in the flagship app.

Each and every day come up with the answers of 7 Little Words. Let's have a look at Today dateString 7 Little Words Answers.

1. trees for leaf peepers : MAPLES


2. support for one in a cast : CRUTCHES


3. captured for safe release : LIVETRAPPED


4. in a bright and lustrous way : GLOSSILY

in a bright and lustrous wayPhillip Lang Crosby (July 13, 1934 – January 13, 2004) was an American actor and singer.He was one of the four sons of Bing Crosby and Dixie Lee; the others were his older brother Gary, his twin brother Dennis, and his younger brother Lindsay.Phillip began his …First, it will be useful to introduce some mineralogical terminology for gemstones that can glow when exposed to light, friction, or heat. Note that the following discussion will omit modern techniques such as X-rays and ultraviolet light that are too recent to have influenced folklore about luminous gems. Luminescence is spontaneous emission of light by a substance not resulting from heat, as ...

In Greek mythology, Lindsay Harry Crosby (January 5, 1938 – December 11, 1989) was an American actor and singer.He was the youngest of four sons from Bing Crosby's first marriage to Dixie Lee (his older brothers being Gary and twins Phillip and Dennis).Lindsay began his career singing alongside his three brothers and his father. He was remembered by his friends for having a laid-back, clever wit like his father. 

5. aggressively meddlesome : OFFICIOUS


6. Paris daisy : MARGUERITE


7. disapproving syllables : TSKTSK


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