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Tuesday, 5 October 2021

[Solution] 7 Little Words Crossword Answers Today Tue Oct 05 2021

It was the launch of 7 Little Words in May 2011, though, that has fuelled the company Blue Ox’s meteoric growth. The game had over 1 million downloads in its first month; was recognized in O, The Oprah Magazine; reached #2 on the U.S. iTunes game app charts; and has continued to find new fans, with more than 6 million downloads in the first year and a half. In addition to iOS, 7 Little Words is now available for Android (both on Google Play and Amazon app stores). 7 Little Words also has a French version, and Spanish puzzles are now available in the flagship app.

Each and every day come up with the answers of 7 Little Words. Let's have a look at Today dateString 7 Little Words Answers.

1. box office charge : ADMISSION

box office charge 

2. "National Treasure" star Nic : CAGE


3. blamed person : ACCUSED

blamed personPatrick Murphy was an Irish-American pilot who mistakenly bombed the border town of Naco, Arizona in April 1929 during the Escobar Rebellion.Little is known of his personal life, though he may have come from Ardmore, Oklahoma.. Bombing of NacoSecondary victimization is the re-traumatization of the sexual assault, abuse, surgical battery, medical malpractice, or rape victim through the responses of individuals and institutions.Types of secondary victimization include The Video game play is frequently associated with obesity. Many studies have been conducted on the link between television & video games and increased BMI (Body Mass Index).Due to video games replacing physical activities, there appears to be a clear association between time spent playing video games and increased BMI in young children. One such study produced data that … 

4. great effort : STRUGGLE

great effort 

5. like gibberish : INCOHERENT


6. significance : MEANING


7. leaps forth : SPRINGS


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