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Monday, 11 October 2021

[Solution] The Daily Mirror Crossword Answers Today Mon Oct 11 2021

Welcome to our free daily The Daily Mirror crossword puzzles Answers Mon Oct 11 2021. The Daily Mirror, founded in 1903, is a British national daily tabloid-sized newspaper, that is also considered to be engaged in tabloid-style journalism. It is owned by parent company Reach plc. From 1985 to 1987, and from 1997 to 2002, the title on its masthead was simply The Mirror. The creators of the The Daily Mirror newspaper has also shared 2 pages of their newspaper with some games that you can play while you are having a break. 

Following the clues and attempt to fill in all the The Daily Mirror puzzle’s squares making you tedious?. We at happy to help you with crossword answers. Check back each day for a new The Daily Mirror Crossword Answers or explore ones we recently published. Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Mon Oct 11 2021, The Daily Mirror Times crossword puzzle. Thank you once again for visiting website in solving all the Mon Oct 11 2021 Times Crossword Answers.

1. Wince : FLINCH


2. Edible starch : SAGO

Edible starchSagoStarchFoam peanuts, also known as foam popcorn, packing peanuts, or packing noodles, are a common loose-fill packaging and cushioning material used to prevent damage to fragile objects during shipping. They are shaped to interlock when compressed and free flow when not compressed. They are roughly the size and shape of an unshelled peanut and commonly made of expanded polystyrene foam. 50–75 ...

Corn starch 

3. Is indebted to : OWES


4. Volcano mouth : CRATER


5. Fencing blade : EPEE


6. Indian garment : SARI


7. Yuletide : NOEL


8. Furrow : RUT


9. Meadow : LEA


10. Periods of 24 hours : DAYS


11. Sculpture : BUST

SculptureGrounds For SculptureMueck's  

12. Rotate : TURN

RotateTire rotationSolar rotationRotationCrop rotation 

13. Commands : ORDERS

CommandsCommand may refer to: Here are some commands given to a command-line interpreter (Unix shell). List of DOS commands - WikipediaCommand (computing) - WikipediaCOMMAND.COM - Wikipedia 

14. Type of cheese : EDAM

Type of cheeseColby-JackModern ReblochonTilsit cheese 

15. Currency unit : PESO


16. Pebbles : STONES

PebblesPerri Arlette Reid (née McKissack; August 29, 1964), professionally known by her former stage name, The Sand PebblesBamm-Bamm Rubble 

17. Surface : FACET


18. Tehran’s country : IRAN


19. Equine mammal : HORSE


20. Clairvoyant : SEER


21. Work towards : ASPIRE


22. Observable : OVERT


23. Companion : ALLY

CompanionThe People. Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1919–2000), nicknamed PET, former Prime Minister of Canada; Arts and entertainment "Personal Electronic Thing" in the Starship Titanic video game, part of the player-computer persona communications system; Personal Terminal (), a handheld device used in the Mega Man Battle Network video gamesPet, the debut album by Fur PatrolThis People.  

24. Probabilities : ODDS

ProbabilitiesThe cumulative probability is determined by adding one hand's probability with the In the game of bridge mathematical The for < <, where is a probability measure. can also be simplified as ().The  

25. Swords : SABRES

SwordsThe Great SWORDSPages in  

26. Lessening : LETUP


27. Particles : ATOMS

ParticlesA Aggregate is the component of a composite material that resists compressive stress and provides bulk to the composite material. For efficient filling, aggregate should be much smaller than the finished item, but have a wide variety of sizes. For example, the Massless Neutral  

28. Samples : TESTS


29. Reverse : UNDO


30. Enthusiastic : KEEN

EnthusiasticA Stephen Cram, CBE (born 14 October 1960) is a British retired track and field athlete. Along with fellow Britons Sebastian Coe and Steve Ovett, he was one of the world's dominant middle distance runners during the 1980s. Nicknamed "The Jarrow Arrow", after his home town, Cram set world records in the 1500 m, 2000 m, and the mile during a 19-day period in the summer of 1985.An Kobato 

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