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Wednesday, 20 October 2021

[Solution] USAToday Crossword Answers Today Wed Oct 20 2021

Welcome to our free daily USA Today crossword puzzles Answers Wed Oct 20 2021. USA Today is an internationally distributed American daily middle-market newspaper that is the flagship publication of its owner, Gannett. Founded by Al Neuharth on September 15, 1982, it operates from Gannett's corporate headquarters in McLean, Virginia. The creators of the USA Today newspaper has also shared 2 pages of their newspaper with some games that you can play while you are having a break. 

Following the clues and attempt to fill in all the USA Today puzzle’s squares making you tedious?. We at happy to help you with crossword answers. Check back each day for a new USA Today Crossword Answers or explore ones we recently published. Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wed Oct 20 2021, USA Today Times crossword puzzle. Thank you once again for visiting website in solving all the Wed Oct 20 2021 Times Crossword Answers.

1. 01. Wonder Woman accessory : CAPE


2. 05. Cumin or paprika : SPICE

05. Cumin or paprikaİskender kebap is one of the most popular dishes of Turkey.It takes its name from its inventor, İskender Efendi, who lived in Bursa in the late 19th century Ottoman Empire.. The dish consists of döner kebab prepared from thinly and carefully cut grilled lamb topped with hot tomato sauce over pieces of pita bread and generously slathered with melted special sheep's milk butter and yogurt. 

3. 10. Cut, like grass : MOW


4. 13. "Rumour Has It" singer : ADELE


5. 15. Unicycle part : PEDAL

15. Unicycle partJugglingJohnson first had the idea for HockeyAngels in America 

6. 16. Bononbo, e.g. : APE


7. 17. Something an elite athlete might set : WORLDRECORD


8. 19. Olympic gymnast Sunisa : LEE


9. 20. Destined : FATED


10. 21. Require : DEMAND


11. 23. Fib : LIE


12. 25. Break up with : DUMP


13. 28. Parts for actors : ROLES


14. 29. Village People song about where it's fun to stay : YMCA


15. 31. "I don't wanna hear a ___ out of you!" : PEEP


16. 33. Infuriated : MAD

33. InfuriatedLingaaLockdown (2013 

17. 34. Dines on the couch, say : EATSIN

34. Dines on the couch, say 

18. 37. To the point : TERSE

37. To the pointState Route  

19. 39. Filters keep them out of espresso : COFFEEGROUNDS


20. 43. 2020 US Open champion Naomi : OSAKA


21. 44. Gold and iron : METALS

44. Gold and ironIron Man 2Issues #42, 43 and Iron FlagMining in Iran 

22. 46. Happy hour spot : BAR


23. 48. Inform : TELL


24. 50. "Bend and ___" ("Legally Blonde" song) : SNAP


25. 51. Clod : CLUMP


26. 53. Speaker's platorm : DAIS


27. 55. Hoppy beer, for short : IPA


28. 56. Revolt : RISEUP


29. 58. "___ U Been Gone" (Kelly Clarkson hit) : SINCE

58. "___ U Been Gone" (Kelly Clarkson hit)Breakaway is the second studio album by American singer "Kellie Dawn  

30. 61. Picnic pest : ANT


31. 62. Sticky treat that might have a tongue tattoo : FRUITROLLUP


32. 67. Compete on snow : SKI

67. Compete on snowThe ski resort earned over 1.54 billion yuan (US$237.77 million) in tourism during the 2015–16 The Falls Creek Alpine Resort is an alpine ski resort in the Hume region in northeastern Victoria, Australia.It is located in the Alpine National Park in the Victorian Alps, approximately 350 kilometres (220 miles) by road from Melbourne, with the nearest town being Mount Beauty, which is approximately 30 km (20 mi) away.The resort lies between an elevation of 1,210 and 1,830 …A Snowpiercer 

33. 68. Compete with an epee : FENCE


34. 69. City in Oklahoma : TULSA


35. 70. QVC alternative : HSN


36. 71. Did some surveillance : SPIED


37. 72. "___ there, done that!" : BEEN


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