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Saturday, 16 July 2022

[Solution] USAToday Crossword Answers Today Sat Jul 16 2022

Welcome to our free daily USA Today crossword puzzles Answers Sat Jul 16 2022. USA Today is an internationally distributed American daily middle-market newspaper that is the flagship publication of its owner, Gannett. Founded by Al Neuharth on September 15, 1982, it operates from Gannett's corporate headquarters in McLean, Virginia. The creators of the USA Today newspaper has also shared 2 pages of their newspaper with some games that you can play while you are having a break. 

Following the clues and attempt to fill in all the USA Today puzzle’s squares making you tedious?. We at happy to help you with crossword answers. Check back each day for a new USA Today Crossword Answers or explore ones we recently published. Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Sat Jul 16 2022, USA Today Times crossword puzzle. Thank you once again for visiting website in solving all the Sat Jul 16 2022 Times Crossword Answers.

1. 01. Really love : ADORE


2. 06. "Baby, ___ you / You're the one I love . . ." : ITS


3. 09. Sunblock letters : SPF


4. 12. Major request : BIGASK


5. 14. Necessity : NEED


6. 16. Driveway repair goo : TAR


7. 17. Make more nutritious : ENRICH


8. 18. Athlete's co-worker : TEAMMATE


9. 20. Adolescent : TEEN


10. 21. Astonishment : AWE


11. 23. Stat for people and towers : HEIGHT


12. 24. Person on two wheels : BIKER


13. 26. Billboards and such : ADS


14. 27. "Won't make that mistake again!" : NOWIKNOW


15. 29. Agile : SPRY


16. 33. Fuzzy fruits : KIWIS


17. 34. State animal of Utah : ELK


18. 35. Pennsylvania city home to Presque Isle State Park : ERIE


19. 36. "Lingerie" comes from the French word for this fabric : LINEN


20. 37. Feasted : ATE


21. 38. Stinky smells : ODORS


22. 39. Thing : ITEM


23. 40. "Ella Enchanted" creature : ELF


24. 41. Basic taste in miso : UMAMI


25. 42. Currency in the Philippines : PESO


26. 43. Playing style often heard in funk music : SLAPBASS


27. 45. Stick out : JUT


28. 47. Get on top of : MOUNT


29. 48. Period for being with yourself : METIME


30. 51. Possess : OWN


31. 52. Equivalent of "ain't" : ISNT


32. 56. French for "yes" : OUI


33. 57. Liz Chicaje's country : PERU


34. 59. Design in the documentary "Skindigenous" : TATTOO


35. 61. Crystal ball shape : ORB


36. 62. Birds that run fast : EMUS


37. 63. Not assigned to an actor yet : UNCAST


38. 64. Two, in Spanish : DOS


39. 65. Sunshine Protection Act subject (Abbr.) : DST


40. 66. Tres, in English : THREE


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