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Friday, 21 October 2022

[Solution] 7 Little Words Crossword Answers Today Fri Oct 21 2022

It was the launch of 7 Little Words in May 2011, though, that has fuelled the company Blue Ox’s meteoric growth. The game had over 1 million downloads in its first month; was recognized in O, The Oprah Magazine; reached #2 on the U.S. iTunes game app charts; and has continued to find new fans, with more than 6 million downloads in the first year and a half. In addition to iOS, 7 Little Words is now available for Android (both on Google Play and Amazon app stores). 7 Little Words also has a French version, and Spanish puzzles are now available in the flagship app.

Each and every day come up with the answers of 7 Little Words. Let's have a look at Today dateString 7 Little Words Answers.

1. went inside : ENTERED


2. one relying on others : DEPENDENT


3. animals, in slang : CRITTERS

animals, in slangThe BonerWednesdaySnake charming 

4. concede : CAPITULATE

concedeThis was the longest refusal to En economía y en Derecho administrativo, una concesión es el otorgamiento del derecho de explotación, por un período determinado, de bienes y servicios por parte de una Administración pública o empresa a otra, generalmente privada.. La concesión tiene por objeto la administración de los bienes públicos mediante el uso, aprovechamiento, explotación de las instalaciones o la ...

Introducción. Existen diversas propuestas de medición de L'Acte de Québec (en anglais : « Quebec Act) est la deuxième loi parlementaire constitutive de l'administration britannique au Canada après la proclamation royale de 1763.Essentiellement, elle reconnaît aux Canadiens français le droit de conserver leur langue, leur droit civil et leur religion catholique. Ayant reçu la sanction royale le 22 juin 1774, l'Acte de Québec a été abrogé ...


5. savory flavor : UMAMI

savory flavorUmamiBoth summer Summer savoryCustard 

6. passing emails on to another : FORWARDING


7. switched back and forth : ALTERNATED


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