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Tuesday, 19 October 2021

[Solution] The Los Angeles Times Crossword Answers Today Tue Oct 19 2021

Welcome to our free daily The Los Angeles Times crossword puzzles Answers Tue Oct 19 2021. The Los Angeles Times is a daily newspaper based in El Segundo, California, which has been published in Los Angeles, California, since 1881. It has the fifth-largest circulation in the U.S., and is the largest American newspaper not headquartered on the East Coast. The creators of the LA Times newspaper has also shared 2 pages of their newspaper with some games that you can play while you are having a break. 

Following the clues and attempt to fill in all the Los Angeles Times puzzle’s squares making you tedious?. We at happy to help you with crossword answers. Check back each day for a new LA Times Crossword Answers or explore ones we recently published. Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tue Oct 19 2021, LA Times crossword puzzle. Thank you once again for visiting website in solving all the Tue Oct 19 2021 Times Crossword Answers.

1. Garden lure : SPIDERWEB


2. Prefix meaning "coil" : SPIRO

Prefix meaning "coil"MeaningA The  

3. It straddles the border of two western states : LAKETAHOE


4. Brass, for one : ALLOY


5. Closing question : AREWEDONE


6. Subjects for reviewers : FILMS


7. Kind of gravel : PEA

Kind of gravel 

8. What some glasses lack : RIMS


9. Observed visiting : SEENAT


10. Break off loudly : SNAP

Break off loudlyThe The Inbetweeners 

11. Write the wrong number on, perhaps : MISDATE


12. Legal option : APPEAL

Legal option"In a real estate context, an Altruistic surrogacy is Legal history 

13. Warning after using an iron : FORE


14. A.L. East squad : TOR


15. __ space : CRAWL


16. Glove material : LATEX


17. Speech interruptions : UMS

Speech interruptionsSpeech and language impairment 

18. Work to get : EARN


19. Support on the way up : PITON


20. Cookout choice : BRAT

Cookout choice 

21. Modicum : BIT


22. One of a nursery rhyme trio : BAKER


23. Most successful African-American PGA golfer before Woods : PEETE


24. Custom finish? : ARY


25. Made it up : LIED


26. Follow : SHADOW


27. Armadas on the road : NISSANS


28. Turnovers, e.g. : STAT

Turnovers, e.g.Definitions. According to Robert Tollison (1982), economic rents are "excess returns" above the "normal levels" that are generated in competitive markets. More specifically, a rent is "a return in excess of the resource owner's opportunity cost".. Henry George, best known for his proposal for a single tax on land, defines rent as "the part of the produce that accrues to the owners of land …As a verb, it means to perform such a kick,  

29. Take out : DELETE


30. Shot in the dark : STAB


31. Clicking sound? : AHA


32. "Battlestar Galactica" commander : ADAMA


33. One who's no fun to play with : POORLOSER


34. Showed up : GOTIN


35. Bicycle tire feature : VALVESTEM


36. Discharge : EGEST

DischargeA Mucopurulent dischargeVaginal dischargeA  

37. Tiny arboreal amphibians : TREETOADS


38. Indication of an offense : SLAP


39. Take a little off : PARE


40. Many of its products are named for Scandinavian places : IKEA

Many of its products are named for Scandinavian placesA name is a term used for identification by an external observer. They can identify a class or category of things, or a single thing, either uniquely, or within a given context. The entity identified by a name is called A Coffee 

41. Mountain __ : DEW


42. Hardly transitory : ETERNAL

Hardly transitoryIn molecular biology, KalkiThe term The Anatomy of Melancholy 

43. Like much flower symmetry : RADIAL

Like much flower symmetryA  

44. Defeat decisively : WHOMP


45. Quite a stretch : EONS


46. One who does a waggle dance : BEE


47. Sensitive health class subject : SAFESEX


48. Practiced diligently : PLIED

Practiced diligentlyRoman Catholic Canon law, which is based on Roman Law, makes a distinction between  

49. Sulky : ILLNATURED

SulkyThe A twitch is a device that is used to restrain horses for various stressful situations, such as veterinary treatment.It is believed that a twitch calms the horse by releasing endorphins as pressure is applied, thus reducing stress and pain. It is usually made up of a stick-like handle loop of chain or rope on the end, or a metal ring with a rope loop which is wrapped around the upper lip of the ...


50. It's often used to make paste : ROMATOMATO


51. Traditional Christmas Eve dish for some : OYSTERSTEW


52. Traffic stopper, at times : SIREN


53. Tailored : SEWN


54. Power source : MOTOR


55. Elastic wrap brand : ACEBANDAGE

Elastic wrap brandA British LingerieAfro-textured hair 

56. Herbivore named for its habitat : PRAIRIEDOG

Herbivore named for its habitatThescelosaurus 

57. List on a ticket : PARTYSLATE

List on a ticket 

58. In the cards : FATED


59. Takes an interest in : LIKES


60. Revolutionary pamphleteer : PAINE


61. Top : BEAT

TopThe Carrot TopTop Secret Drum CorpsThe following is a list of  

62. Far from subtle : BLATANT

Far from subtleProfessional wrestling career. Early in his career, Kindred formed a team with Wolfie D, known as The Blacksheep.Flanagan also formed teams with Billy Travis, Nick Dinsmore, and Steven Dunn.Flanagan wrestled one match on WWF Monday Night Raw losing to Brian Christopher; he then wrestled 3 matches in 1999 on WWF Shotgun Saturday Night all in losing efforts.BaldrickThere is a The  

63. High-tech communications portmanteau : PHABLET


64. Feel a strong need (for) : STARVE


65. Rest area array : SEMIS


66. Made off with : STOLE


67. Use an updraft, say : SOAR


68. Old movie dog : ASTA


69. Be mindful of : HEED

Be mindful ofMindfulness-based cognitive therapyHenry Pierce Stapp (born March 23, 1928 in Cleveland, Ohio) is an American mathematical physicist, known for his work in quantum mechanics, particularly the development of axiomatic S-matrix theory, the proofs of strong nonlocality properties, and the place of free will in the "orthodox" quantum mechanics of John von Neumann.In the United States, a 401(a) plan is a tax-deferred retirement savings plan defined by subsection 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. The 401(a) plan is established by an employer, and allows for contributions by the employer or both employer and employee. Contribution amounts, whether dollar-based or percentage-based, eligibility, and vesting schedule are all determined by the sponsoring ...


70. Administrative branches : ARMS


71. Low mil. rank : PVT


72. Granada bear : OSO

Granada bearThe expression Early life.  

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