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Monday, 18 October 2021

[Solution] The New York Times Crossword Answers Today Mon Oct 18 2021

Welcome to our free daily The New York Times crossword puzzles Answers Mon Oct 18 2021. The New York Times is an American newspaper based in New York City with worldwide influence and readership. Nicknamed "the Gray Lady", the Times has long been regarded within the industry as a national "newspaper of record".

 The creators of the The New York Times Times newspaper has also shared 2 pages of their newspaper with some games that you can play while you are having a break. 

Following the clues and attempt to fill in all the The New York Times puzzle’s squares making you tedious?. We at happy to help you with crossword answers. Check back each day for a new NY Times Crossword Answers or explore ones we recently published. Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Mon Oct 18 2021, NY Times crossword puzzle. Thank you once again for visiting website in solving all the Mon Oct 18 2021 Times Crossword Answers.

1. Laziest of the deadly sins Crossword Clue : SLOTH


2. Pal Crossword Clue : BUB


3. St. ___ fire Crossword Clue : ELMOS


4. Outdoor lounging area Crossword Clue : PATIO

Outdoor lounging area A It was originally designed for passenger In Western architecture, a Paso Robles (/ ˌ p æ s ə ˈ r oʊ b ʊ l z / PASS-oh ROH-buulz), officially El Paso de Robles (Spanish for "The Pass of Oaks"), is a city in San Luis Obispo County, California, United States.Located on the Salinas River north of San Luis Obispo, California, the city is known for its hot springs, its abundance of wineries, its production of olive oil, almond orchards, and for playing host to ...


5. Actress Gasteyer of “Saturday Night Live” fame Crossword Clue : ANA


6. Athlete who rarely gets sacked or has a pass intercepted Crossword Clue : STARQUARTERBACK


7. Pig Crossword Clue : HOG


8. Stereotypical name for a dog Crossword Clue : FIDO


9. Like neon gas Crossword Clue : NOBLE


10. Classic cinema name Crossword Clue : ODEON

Classic cinema name A The New Zealand's oldest surviving The  

11. It’s inhaled on an ocean cruise Crossword Clue : SEAAIR


12. Frenzies Crossword Clue : MANIAS


13. Run-down places Crossword Clue : RATTRAPS

Run-down places LeicestershireViterboElizabeth Bay is a mining town in southern coast of Namibia, 25 km south of Lüderitz. It was formerly considered a ghost town.Diamonds were first discovered in the region around 1908; however, it wasn't until 1989 that the government of Namibia spent $53 million on the exploration and creation of a new diamond mine on the site. The mine had a projected life-span of ten years and was expected ...


14. 2, 4, 6 and 8, but not 1, 3, 5 and 7 Crossword Clue : EVENS


15. ___ latte Crossword Clue : CHAI


16. Figure to aim for, according to personal trainers Crossword Clue : TARGETHEARTRATE

Figure to aim for, according to personal trainers Western philosophyAggression among captive killer whales is common. They attack each other and their Advocacy groups, also known as interest groups, special interest groups or pressure groups use various forms of advocacy in order to influence public opinion and ultimately policy. They play an important role in the development of political and social systems. Motives for action may be based on political, religious, moral, or commercial positions. Groups use varied methods to try to …Daisuke Matsuzaka 

17. Moistens Crossword Clue : WETS

Moistens Hirsuties coronae glandisSong structure and lyrics. Dylan had, according to his biographer Ian Bell, become a born again Christian in November 1978. "(The conducting zone—which also includes the nostrils of the nose, the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles—filters, warms and Shot of Love 

18. Bar mitzvah dances Crossword Clue : HORAS

Bar mitzvah dances Hora (plural: hore) is a traditional Romanian and Moldovan folk dance [] where the dancers hold each other's hands and the circle spins, usually counterclockwise, as each participant follows a sequence of three steps forward and one step back. The dance is usually accompanied by musical instruments such as the cymbalom, accordion, violin, viola, double bass, saxophone, trumpet or the pan pipes.A pre-Georgian Jews ქართველი ებრაელები; Total population; 250,000: Regions with significant populations Israel 200,000 United States 10,000Aspects of Love 

19. Pastry made with an orchard fruit Crossword Clue : PEARTART

Pastry made with an orchard fruit Ingredients.  

20. Start, as a computer Crossword Clue : BOOTUP


21. Coins of India Crossword Clue : RUPEES


22. Stuff of little substance Crossword Clue : FLUFF


23. Woman’s name derived from the Greek for “peace” Crossword Clue : IRENA


24. Angel’s overhead? Crossword Clue : HALO


25. “That’s really nice!” Crossword Clue : OOH

“That’s really nice!”  

26. Political group symbolized by a donkey Crossword Clue : DEMOCRATICPARTY


27. ___ out a living Crossword Clue : EKE


28. Not with the times Crossword Clue : UNHIP


29. Handmade sign held up by a kid in the bleachers Crossword Clue : HIMOM


30. ___ Andreas fault Crossword Clue : SAN


31. Histories that may be checkered or sordid Crossword Clue : PASTS


32. Twin Mary-Kate or Ashley Crossword Clue : OLSEN


33. Fine lattice Crossword Clue : #ERROR!


34. Kind of sax Crossword Clue : ALTO

Kind of sax IncredibadKind of Blue『The members flip cue cards with words from the song; the last one displays the words " 

35. “It’s curtains for me!” Crossword Clue : IMAGONER


36. Conjunction used in logic Crossword Clue : NOR


37. Abbr. after a lawyer’s name Crossword Clue : ESQ


38. Ferdinand and Isabella’s land Crossword Clue : SPAIN


39. “Put a sock in it!” Crossword Clue : SHUTYOURPIEHOLE


40. Put (away) Crossword Clue : STOW


41. Puzzle whose name comes from the Japanese for “cleverness squared” Crossword Clue : MEDIABLOG


42. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


43. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


44. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


45. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


46. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


47. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


48. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


49. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


50. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


51. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


52. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


53. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


54. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


55. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


56. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


57. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


58. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


59. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


60. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


61. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


62. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


63. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


64. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


65. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


66. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


67. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


68. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


69. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


70. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


71. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


72. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


73. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


74. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


75. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


76. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


77. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


78. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


79. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


80. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


81. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


82. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


83. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


84. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


85. #VALUE! : #VALUE!


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